LONDON -- The idea of marrying a British prince might sound foreign to most people.。
SEE ALSO:Here's why Prince George is always wearing shorts 。But, if you're a foreigner that happens to fall in love with a member of the royal family, then chances are you'll have to make a few rather considerable changes in your life.。
As rumour and speculation abounds about Prince Harry's alleged connection to American actress Meghan Markle, the question on many people's lips is: will she and Harry marry?
Mashable。spoke to British etiquette expert William Hanson to find out how an American would be expected to behave as a member of the British royal family.。
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1. Reign in the emotions 。
Displays of emotion and overexcitement aren't the done thing in the royal household. If Harry were to bring anyone home, she might have to display something of a pokerface.。"Traditional royals normally only display emotions to dogs and horses. She would have to reign it in in terms of her emotion and getting over excited too really if she wished to have any longevity," Hanson told。Mashable。
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2. Find out who to curtsy to 。
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3. Follow the Queen's lead。
4. Don't buy your own tiara。
According to Hanson, one should never, ever buy one's own tiara. You should only wear one if the royal family were to give you one, or if your family has a tiara. Only married members of the royal family should wear tiaras, says Hanson.。
5. Don't touch the Queen。"Michelle Obama famously put her arm around the Queen, which is a big no no. And LeBron James once hugged the Duchess of Cambridge," said Hanson.。
"Do not touch the Queen. Do not kiss the Queen," Hanson continued.。
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Shaking hands would not, however, be out of the question. 。"If she were meeting Prince Charles for the first time, it wouldn't be wrong to shake his hand. She should wait for Prince Charles to extend his hand. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to meet her," Hanson continued. 。
When speaking directly to the Queen, Harry's partner would have to call her "Your Majesty". When talking about the Queen, she would have to say "Her Majesty" or "the Queen was saying..." 。
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For everyone else in the royal household, she would have to say "His/Her Royal Highness", "Ma'am" or "Sir," according to Hanson.。
7. Less is more。
"When it comes to hair, makeup and fashion, less is more. Kate gets it right. Her look is always subtle and demure," says Hanson. 。相关文章: