Could Wilmer Flores。 be。any more of a。Friends 。fan?
The New York Mets third baseman walked up to the plate on Sunday to the sitcom's famous theme song, "I’ll Be There for You" by The Rembrandts. 。
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Flores isn't just a casual fan, either. The 25-year-old from Venezuela is basically obsessed with the show, according to ESPN. 。
SEE ALSO:25 TV Theme Songs Every '90s Kid Will Remember 。
“I don’t know. I just can’t stop watching it,” he said after the game. “I don’t know -- on the road, when I’m home, every day -- I don’t want to watch anything else. I don’t know why. There’s something about that show."。
Sadly, reporters didn't ask if Flores thought he was a Joey, or more of a Chandler. (Nobody wants to be Ross.)。 Hopefully this sparks a trend in Major League Baseball. Imagine Seattle Mariner Robinson Cano walking out to the。 Hopefully this sparks a trend in Major League Baseball. Imagine Seattle Mariner Robinson Cano walking out to the 。 Frasier。theme or the Yankees getting pumped up with the bass line from。