The 。 Justice League。Comic-Con trailer makes a big deal out of uniting the DC superheroes. But it doesn't take a Batman-level intellect to figure out that one's still missing.。
Superman's nowhere to be seen in the latest。 Superman's nowhere to be seen in the latest 。Justice League。
footage reel – and since Henry Cavill was also MIA at the Warner Bros. Hall H panel, no one got a chance to ask him about it. But that latest trailer may have given us a little clue as to how the Man of Steel will figure into all of this.。SEE ALSO:Watch Gal Gadot's thunderous Hall H return at Comic-Con。 At the very end of the video, Jeremy Irons' Alfred addresses an unseen figure. "He said you'd come. Now let's hope you're not too late." That line is prefaced by Alfred noticing that his whiskey glass is starting to shake,Jurassic Park。
-style. Whoever or whatever it is, it's creating a lot of commotion. 。
-style. Whoever or whatever it is, it's creating a lot of commotion. 。
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By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up! 。During the panel, Jason Momoa played dumb when a young fan asked about Superman's whereabouts. "I'm not sure if you're parents showed you the last movie, but Superman's dead," he responded.。
However, the cast and crew have generally been very clear that Superman will return in some form or fashion, despite his untimely demise at the end of 。 Batman v Superman。. Heck, Momoa's comment was followed by Gal Gadot reassuring the kid that Superman fans would be "very happy" to see how he factors in. 。
So now we know that Alfred, somehow, becomes the one to greet him when he returns. Which raises more questions than it really answers – how did "he" (presumably Batman) know Supes would return? Is 。Is。
Superman too late? Does Martha know about all of this? What about the other Martha?But it feels like a promise for fans of the。
Justice League 。