Your car makeup tutorial is nothing compared to this. 。
Anne Custodio from the Philippines is going viral with this video of her going from bare face to full makeup, while riding on top of a motorcycle side car. 。
SEE ALSO:This YouTuber is the realest damn thing to happen to 'beauty vlogging' 。Over a six-minute-long tutorial, she applies primer, concealer and blusher, while managing to curl her hair and at one point, even whips out a。 block of ice。block of ice 。
to tighten her pores with. 。She is rocking curlers and putting a block of ice to her faceCredit: range advertising/facebook。
The video has been viewed 2 million times and shared more than 30,000 times. 。
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Her feet dangling off the edge of the trike.Credit: RANGE ADVERTISING/FACEBOOK 。
Custodio was riding on top of what is known as a trike, or an auto rickshaw, a common means of public transportation in the Philippines.。Her make-up tutorial is a follow-up to a previous one she did while riding in a jeepney, or a local mini-bus. 。
Jeepneys are the most common form of public transportation in the PhilippinesCredit: M. Torralba/EPA/REX/Shutterstock。
In the previous video, she promises to do a make-up tutorial on top of a trike if the video reaches at least 500 shares.。
It has since gone on to hit over 4 million views, and clearly well over 500 shares. 。
It's worth noting that both the videos are produced by RANGE, a Filipino advertising company. 。 According to Custodio's Facebook page, she herself is an employee at RANGE.。