Remember a time before Uber? Your grandma does, and she's more pure than this world will ever be again. 。
Especially reddit user ck2400's grandma, who presented her grandchild with a 2018 weekly pocket planner because she "thought this would be good for your Uber appt's." 。
SEE ALSO:This hidden gem of a game will make you want to hug your grandpa 。SEE ALSO:This hidden gem of a game will make you want to hug your grandpa 。
Not quite how Uber works, but incredibly sweet. 。
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My grandma knows I’m an Uber driver but doesn’t know how it works. She got me this planner and wrote “thought this would be good for your Uber appt’s” Shes beyond precious. from pics。After posting the image, folks actually warmed to grandma's vision of Uber, and were quick to suggest methods of incorporating the planner into Uber vehicles.。Credit: screenshot/reddit 。
Credit: screenshot/reddit 。Credit: SCREENSHOT/REDDIT 。
Some thought the kindness of the gesture was more important than understanding Uber, ya jerks: 。Credit: SCREENSHOT/REDDIT 。
Others shared similar experiences with their grandparents and newer technology:。Credit: 。
Yep, keeping up with technology is not easy, so show some respect, kids. And receiving a gift from your grandma is something to be cherished, even if she doesn't quite have a handle on Uber yet. 。