When the Nintendo Switch first came out, it was in such high demand that you basically had to promise your first born child to Satan in order to get your hands on one.。
Oh, how far we've come. 。
Today, eBay is doing a 20% off site-wide promotion with participating retailers when you use the promo code PSPRING20 — which includes listings on brand-new Nintendo Switches. This is a 。 huge。huge 。
deal because it's the first significant price cut we've seen for the insanely popular console since its release. 。SEE ALSO:Thank Nintendo's failed Wii U for the Switch's wild success。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。 Thanks for signing up!。Unfortunately, the initial listing selling the console at an astounding $224 (slashed down from its standard $299 price point) sold out faster than you could say。
Super Smash Bros 。
. But there's hope yet. 。
You can still get decent deals on other listings if you act fast. According to Kinja Deals, this listing, and this listing for the Neon version is still stocked and going for $260 with the promo code.。 Adventure calls -- for 20% off!Adventure calls -- for 20% off!Credit: nintendo 。
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