Is Governor Scott Walker fit for public office?
On Sunday, the Wisconsin governor tweeted a photo of what appeared to be him at his grill. It was a proud moment for the governor—he used three whole exclamation points in his caption—until, of course, people who actually know how to grill started to pay attention.。
SEE ALSO:8th graders refuse to take a photo with Paul Ryan because they don't "want to be associated with him" 。Twitter launched an immediate independent investigation into the governor's technique.。
Twitter launched an immediate independent investigation into the governor's technique. 。
Grilling out!!!。
— Scott Walker (ScottWalker) May 29, 2017 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
1. Failure to separate meats from veggies。
ScottWalker Raw vegetables jammed up against raw chicken? Geeze, call your UW Extension food safety volunteers! Or have you cut their funding?
— Tina McGugan (TinaMcGugan) May 29, 2017。
FiedlerPete Adam_Blas ScottWalker Also, put all of the same items on skewers to guarantee even cooking of each. Honestly, Walker. Figure out life already.。
— S. (seetalms) May 29, 2017。
Meat and vegetables cook at different temperatures, and thus, should be cooked on separate parts of the grill, like so: 。
seetalms FiedlerPete Adam_Blas ScottWalker。
— Nearsighted Girl (christysalmonso) May 29, 2017。
2. Alignment of chicken and beef on the same skewer 。
ScottWalker Uh, you got beef & chicken on the same skewers. One of those is gonna get overcooked. 。
— Coliseum Sewage (ColiseumSewage) May 29, 2017 。
ClueHeywood ScottWalker His skewer diversification sucks. Just randomly has yellow squash on a couple. Also like his "oh-shit-I-still-have-chicken-left" half skewer 。
— LombardiParti (LombardiParti) May 29, 2017。
— LombardiParti (LombardiParti) May 29, 2017。
3. Dangerously low levels of salt and pepper。
ScottWalker For future reference.。
ScottWalker scott do you somehow hate flavor even more than you hate unions?
— Eric Brown 🌹 (ericbrownzzz) May 29, 2017。
An epically bland grill for a historically bland man.。
4. Overall poor presentation 。
Grilling is more than just meats and veggies. It's an art form that requires skill and care. More than anything, Twitter was deeply disappointed with the governor's overall presentation.。
This fucking moron does not deserve the gift of fire 。
This fucking moron does not deserve the gift of fire 。
— Helen Rosner (hels) May 29, 2017。
ScottWalker No one will allow you to bring the potato salad for as long as you walk this earth.。