Man, why'd they have to kill this app? WHY'D THEY HAVE TO KILL THIS APP!?
Just about one month after Twitter announced its plans to eliminate Vine -- which pairs with sports like a fine wine -- here comes the perfect clip to remind us all what we'll soon be missing. 。
Our 。 Our。dramatis personae 。
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Now, our play in three acts. 。 That's Happ aggressively freeing himself from the arms of Lattin during Oklahoma and Wisonsin's Saturday afternoon basketball game (Act I). Then we have Lattin uncorking an all-timer flop (Act II). Finally, we have Hayes delivering a perfect reaction to Lattin's histrionics (Act III).。And -- 。
And --。
fin。.。Rest in peace, Vine. We're gonna miss you when you're gone. 。相关文章: