"New year, who dis?"
As we turn our calendars to January 2019, that's a phrase you should be saying to some not-so-great trends and people who were popular in this medium-key trash year.
Before we say goodbye to 2018, let's make an effort to start fresh by leaving behind a few negative memories and abandoning things that make life more unpleasant.
SEE ALSO:50 things to be thankful for in 2018Not sure where to start? No worries! Here are 13 things you should consider leaving behind to start the year off on the right foot.
Facebook, quite frankly, is exhausting and I think the time to cut ties with the harmful social media platform has finally come. Even aside from the whole Russia interfering with the 2016 election mess, the company's made so many mistakes this year alone.
If you've been thinking about deleting your account but are on the fence, here are some recent events to consider. In 2018 there's been a hack that "directly affected" millions of accounts, a weird bug that dug up past messages, an internal memo released by a former employee that accused Facebook of failing its black employees and users, Zuck's beef with Apple, company documents that were seized by the UK government, that hearing Zuck straight up didn't attend, and an embarrassing PDF that revealed Facebook considered selling access to data, to name a few.
Why are we still wasting time on this problematic platform? Write down some important birthdays so you don't forget, make sure your close friends and coworkers have your phone number so they can invite you directly to any gatherings, and delete it from your life. You'll feel free.
Merriam-Webster defines "hot take" as "a quickly produced, strongly worded, and often deliberately provocative or sensational opinion or reaction," usually in response to some news. If that's true, then hoooooboy have people strayed from the proper usage of the term.
Hot Take: These days people think everything's a hot take. It's become a synonym for anyopinion, which is wrong because not all opinions are sensational and most times sticking the word "hot" in front of "take" doesn't make your take hot, it just makes you sound like an ass.
In 2019, let's all try to limit our dubbing of hot takes to like, at most,one per month.
If you've spent any portion of 2018 on Twitter, odds are you've seen those memes of the lil ASCII bunnies holding ASCII protest signs. I regret to inform you that while the tweets are extremely cute, they're also kind of old, take too much effort to successfully compose, and are overused. It's time to let them go and make room for all the new meme trends we'll undoubtedly feel pressured to take part in.
Cooking videos are taking over the internet. On nearly every website you visit, footage of hands assembling ingredients autoplays.
Whatever happened to our love for actual cooking shows on the Food Network that take you through the lengthy process of assembling a dish rather than simply dumping spices from cute little bowls or snapping to magically crack eggs?
There are an overwhelming amount of Tasty-style videos in the world in 2018. We don't need a video for everyfood, people. And we definitely don't need videos for recipes that have less that three ingredients or use no seasoning. We're better than that. I hope.
Also, I'd like to shout a huge old "NOPE" to those gross "Meals Cooked in Mouth" videos. Keep those in 2018, please.
The Philadelphia Flyers introduced their new hairy orange mascot, Gritty, this year. And while many people adore the large, eccentric sports enthusiast, others are growing a bit tired of Gritty's continual antics and strong social media presence.
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If you're a Gritty hater, leave those negative vibes behind in the new year. Gritty is a nice fun thing and we could all use as many of those as we can get. And if you know someone who's anti-Gritty and refuses to reconsider, honestly maybe it's time to stand up for what you love and leave thembehind.
Let's set some social media parameters for the new year, shall we? How about we kick of 2019 by vowing to post ... less. Or rather, make an effort to only post what's absolutely necessary.
Do you absolutely needto tweet a minute-by-minute update on your delayed flight? Must you live stream every time you unbox something you ordered from Amazon? And do you need to post the same exact content to your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram every single day? Feels like a hard no. Take a break once in a while. And give your followers a break, too.
Via GiphyThe last few years, the entertainment industry has been all about revivals. We've seen a bunch of TV shows — like American Idol, Full House, Gilmore Girls,Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Twin Peaks, Will and Grace,and more — make their return to the screen, and though they're not always successful, there's no denying some, like Queer Eye, have been an absolute delight.
But months and sometimes even years before a revival is confirmed, fans have to deal with a constant, confusing stream of revival rumors.
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I'm a die-hard fan ofThe Office, for example, but I don't know how many more "X actor is down for a revival. Will it happen?" headlines my heart can take without bursting. It's an emotional roller coaster and I'm exhausted.
I know it's exciting to hear the stars of a show you love would be open to bringing it back, but maybe we don't have to ask the actors about it in everysingle interview. Just let us know when the revival is and then we'll celebrate!
Nails that resemble combs, corkscrews, human teeth, and even HAIR? Eyebrows shaped like coat hangers, fishtails, right angles, and halos? No thank you! 2018 has given us some weird AF beauty trends, so in 2019 maybe we can take a break and tone down the shock value a bit.
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From the looks of 2018, the straw-pocolypse, or world free from plastic straws, is coming. This year plastic straw bans spread across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Businesses like McDonald's and Starbucks also made efforts to ban plastic straws in hopes of preserving the environment and cutting down on the world's harmful and overwhelming amount of single-use plastic waste. And even Disney got in on the action.
Why not get prepared for the anti-plastic straw movement and stock up on reusable water bottles and straws now? This guide will help. And you can find more environment-friendly tips to manage your waste here.
The internet is long, long overdue for a breakup with Logan and Jake Paul. Over the years the two controversial YouTube sensations have shown they'll do just about anything to get some video views.
After Logan Paul came under fire for the insensitive Aokigahara forest vlog he posted in January, he spent the rest of the year uploading other offensive videos, trolling celebs, and delivering insincere-sounding apologies. Enough is enough, people. It's time to stop consuming Paul content.
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In 2019 can we pleasestop trying to make high heels work in every possible circumstance? Some shoes are not meant to be transformed into heels, and that's OK. Crocs for example. I mean, look at this!
Summer is also known as rosé and iced coffee season by the beverage police, but both of those drinks are delicious and shouldn't be limited to a single season. If "frozen hot chocolate" is allowed to be sold in the winter why can't people enjoy iced coffee? And we don't cancel hot coffee in the summer so it seems a little hypocritical, no?
2019 should be the year of breaking down strict beverage barriers and allowing people to drink whatever they want, whenever they want without judgement. (Except for explicitly seasonal drinks like the pumpkin spice or peppermint mocha lattes, which have seasonal-specific flavors).
Many people (myself included) spend hours a day using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Social media has undoubtedly become addicting and while no one likes FOMO, it's healthy to take a break.
Sure, you might have to stay up-to-date with online culture for your job, but on the weekend? Try limiting your time online, or at least being more aware of how long you spend using social media apps with some help from you phone settings. And, hey, if you get rid of your Facebook you're already ahead of the game on this one. Good job.
Here's to better year!