Your Apple Watch band options may soon extend far beyond leather, "Sport" or Hermès. 。
Apple was granted a patent Tuesday describing "modular functional band links for wearable devices." The links are described to be "connected to one or more other of the band links and/or the wearable device and include one or more electronic components." The news was first reported by Apple Insider. 。
While the patent is broad, its potential uses include adding modules to the Apple Watch, thus expanding its functionality. That could mean anything from attaching a camera to an additional battery, GPS, buttons and more.。
SEE ALSO: Now you can turn your Apple Watch into a mini retro Macintosh for $15。
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Several health-related modules are suggested, too -- a thermometer, a blood pressure sensor, a sweat sensor and more. 。 There's precedent for this. In 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted at a new medical product in an interview with。The Telegraph。
. He said Apple didn’t want to put the Apple Watch through the FDA, but the company wouldn’t be opposed to making adjacent products.。
A modular structure would allow the Watch to be a lot more customizable. Users who require frequent blood pressure monitoring could purchase a module for that, while other users who want to have a SIM card for the Watch could add that and so on. One could imagine modules receiving a lot of third-party support, too.。
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