Finally, your dream of watering someone else's plant for them can be realized!
Redditor tylerjaywood rigged together a water pump that turns on or off depending on the majority vote of Reddit. In accordance with popular vote, a Zebra plant (named Jeff) is either watered or not watered every night. This is 2016. This is exciting.
SEE ALSO:5 house plants that will clean your stale office airTo vote, you simply type "Yes" or "No" into a daily thread on the r/takecareofmyplant subreddit.
Users have already seemingly split into three categories: those who want what's best for Jeff, those who want to kill Jeff and those who seem to think all plants need to be constantly watered all the time.
Hooked up to a shared video stream, you can watch over Jeff 24/7 if you so choose. While this access is nice, it could also lead to the public broadcasting of Jeff's death.
Jeff needs you. Jeff needs us all. #HelpJeff.
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