At a crafting and cocktail party with Martha Stewart, the conversation will shift between a condemnation of Lil Yachty's dietary habits (not proper for a businessman) to Fourth of July decor (she recommends painting paper lanterns red, white, and blue). 。
"What bothers me about Lil Yachty, he might be cute and all that, but he eats pizza and candy. That's all," she told reporters over pink drinks at an event in Manhattan celebrating her new line of paints and brushes with Michaels. It's tough love, though -- Martha also gave a glowing summary of his many talents.。
The woman of the hour wore a stylish off-the-shoulder floral blouse to lead craft tutorials, and Stewart didn't get a speck of paint on the top despite opting not to wear an apron. The same cannot be said for this reporter.。
SEE ALSO:Martha Stewart, a great content creator, disses Trump's very bad Twitter。I ask her if she's familiar with the Millennial Pink phenomenon, and well, I was wrong to ever doubt how hip and with it Stewart is. "Of course! I have a millennial pink bedroom in East Hampton," she says. "My whole bedroom is pink. I have pink linens, pink towels, and my daughter has pink velvet sofas in her house."。
So as a millennial woman, do I get any ownership of this specific shade of light (but not。 So as a millennial woman, do I get any ownership of this specific shade of light (but not。too。
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She's currently very into bright baby blue, so we should probably start preparing for the Parisian Blue takeover.。
Queen of Millennial PinkCredit: Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for The Michaels Companies。
But young people, do not fear: Stewart still thinks you're cool, and she tells me she's always checking Instagram for inspiration.。
"I absolutely love following the big lifestyle trends on social media, and continue to be impressed by how these platforms have influenced design, entertaining, and so much more," she says. Marbling is a hot trend on Pinterest, so she made sure to include a kit in the new Martha Stewart Crafts collection for Michaels. Again, this woman knows how to sell you stuff. 。
But young people, do not fear: Stewart still thinks you're cool. 。
Splatter and stripes are also very much her thing right now, so I painted a cotton pouch with light blue stripes and peach splatter hoping to catch her eye. It looks okay, I guess. Martha's better at this stuff.。
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